Science & Magic with Amanda
The Science & Magic podcast, hosted by Amanda Helen, explores topics related to the nervous system, feminine energy, and working more deliciously. I believe that there is a more nourishing way to live, and that we can use wisdom from both science and magic to discover it.
Science & Magic with Amanda
Nervous System of a Goddess + Lots of Updates (solocast)
Hi everyone, it's been awhile! In this episode, I share lots of updates <3 The content and approach to this podcast will be changing as a I create more cohesion with my youtube channel. I also talk a bit about my new program, 'Nervous System of a Goddess' (I'm SO excited for this!), as well as other ways to connect/work with me in the new year. It's super casual, easy listening for getting ready in the morning, driving to work, taking a walk, etc. ENJOY!
Subscribe to my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@scienceandmagicwithamanda/streams
Nervous System of a Goddess, Level 1 - SOFTEN: https://courses.scienceandmagicportal.com/courses/soften-nervous-system-of-a-goddess -or- BUNDLE (Levels 1 & 2): https://courses.scienceandmagicportal.com/bundles/levels-1-2-nervous-system-of-a-goddess
Yin Yoga (Melt With Me): https://courses.scienceandmagicportal.com/courses/full-body-melt-yin-yoga (use code ‘meltme’ for 30% off through 12/1/23)
Instagram Broadcast Channel: https://www.instagram.com/direct/inbox/?thread_key=7153757911322520
3 Session Exploratory Coaching Package: https://www.scienceandmagicportal.com/?msopen=/member/plans/f2b68a647p
Manifestation Private Coaching: https://courses.scienceandmagicportal.com/courses/vision-to-reality
Science & Magic Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2328616680742710